Indicative list of workshops to be offered regularly by the student learning centre
| Pre-semester after Orientation
Academic Skills Workshops
- Academic Reading and Writing
- Critical Thinking
- Literacy and Numeracy Workshops
- Academic Integrity, Referencing and Plagiarism
- Introduction to AIIHE’s On-line Systems
| Learning Support Hub
| During Semester
English language support workshops
- Listening and Discussion
- Pronunciation
- Reading and Reviewing Academic Texts
- Grammar
- Academic Writing
General Seminars to assist students
- Getting Better Grades
- Better Marks for Your Essay
- Academic Integrity and Referencing
- Essay Writing
- Study Skills
- Exam Skills
- Time Management
- Working in Groups
- Canvas Workshops
Welcome to the AIIHE Library. Here you will find a full catalogue of the AIIHE current hard copy collection as well as links to our full suite of online resources. This collection also includes material listed in your Subject outlines.
For advice please contact the AIIHE Library Support services as follows:
[email protected]